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How Baseline Works

FAQs about how the Baseline Cam and app work

FAQs: How the Baseline Camera works

Below are some of the most common questions we get about how our camera works. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please reach out to our team. You can also get an overview in our on-court demo:. Magic. Just kidding. The Baseline Cam is

FAQs: Accuracy

Below are some of the most common questions we get about Baseline's accuracy. If you have a question that's not listed here, reach out to our team. This can depend greatly on lighting, environment, and speed. To be safe, we can confidently say our me

How durable is the Baseline Cam?

Tennis matches can get intense! We've designed Baseline with this in mind, ensuring your Cam will serve you well for years to come. The camera is shockproof and has been rigorously tested. If a ball hits the camera, all that should happen is that the

Can I connect more players?

Yes! There is no limit to the number of users who can connect simultaneously to the camera. The two first connected users will show on the two sides of the court and players can be switched from the app. However, as all players have full control over

How easy is it to install the camera?

We've designed the process to be simple and quick. It should only take around 20 seconds. You can see the full process in the video below. The mounting mechanism has a dedicated space to add a standard lock (not included) which would lock the system

Does Baseline work for doubles?

Yes! You can use Baseline for either singles or doubles games. Simply choose 'Doubles' when setting up your session. The camera will perform slightly better in a single game than in a double game. This is mainly due to the player or the ball being "h

How long will my camera's battery last?

The camera comes with a 100Mah battery which will last for at least 4 hours of play and 20 hours of standby. That said, if an electrical socket is available on your court, the device can be plugged in and powered unlimitedly. This will also charge yo

Is the Baseline app free?

Yes. The app can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store for free by anyone. Down the road, we may propose “premium” paying features with more games, drills and capabilities. However, our free features will always stay free.

FAQs: Session recordings

Below are some of the most common questions we get about session recording and storage. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please reach out to our team. The camera will record separate videos for the left and right side of the court. Th